A day of meditations and healing with Stuart Morris – This workshop is now full, please text me as I may run another this Year
Previous students’ commentsÂ
“Stuart you did it …you delivered the light back to souls who light had gone so
“Stuart thank for such richness of kindness love and light”
“I have sent so much light to work colleagues this week ..and its been such a great week at work .thank you for restore my soul x”
A day that will open your mind and heart to the presence of GodÂ
Contcat me for new dates Stuart 07734459908
Do you think you travel alone in this life?
I don’t mean physically, I mean spiritually, do you have a sense that something is with you ?
That connection is lost due to  , misconceptions, misinterpretations and ultimately, disconnection.
This is perhaps my favorite subject, I have been searching my of my adult life for meaning, purpose and understanding of why we are here and uncovering a truth written by many but experienced by few.
This one day gathering will be an experiential day where we explore what spirituality is through discourse, meditation, practical exercises and ultimately connection to feel the presence of our spirit guides/angels and to receive individual guidance from source itself
We will be using the teachings channeled to me from Harry Edwards as the template and guidelines for this gentle day of healing and insight
6 spaces only available, book early to avoid disappointment
£69 per person
Book today – Stuart Morris 07734459908
- Bring lunch to share
- A blanket to rest upon
- A heart to be healed and a receptive mind
- A spirit yearning for connection