Healing Balms
Stuart Morris makes all the healing balms individually and is a fully qualified aromatherapist, now only available on collection from the centre
Our unique ‘Healing Balms’ contain a wide range of herbs, flower essences and essential oils. You will love our natural healing balms which contain a ‘secret ingredient’ which was passed onto me.
- ‘Healing Balms’ Soothing Solutions:
£10 – collection only - Each jar contains 30ml of balm.
- Please contact Stuart Morris directly on 07734 459908 to place your order.
- You can also buy the balms directly from our online shop – Click here
FREE COPY OF ‘THE HEALING BALMS’ BOOKLET IntuitiveoilsHRSpreads5 (5) © link attached
- Each blend is intuitively named and hand made so no two jars will ever be exactly the same.
- Click on each balm to buy directly from our Shop online
- Rosemary – ‘The Releaser’
- Lavender – “The Listener”
- Sweet Orange – Sweet Victory ‘The E H Formula’
- Lavender – ‘Sweet Sleep’
- Rose – ‘After the Rain’
- Peppermint Shingle
- Lime – ‘Refreshingly Simple’
- May Chang – ‘May You Always Be
- A balm for hope – Available at the centre from Feb, contact Stuart to collect 0773 445 9908,scroll down to discover more about the philosophy around evoking HOPE
- A little goes a long way…. Just rub the balm into your temples, wrists or the nape of your neck!
Advice: Always perform a 24 hour skin patch test prior to use over a small area of skin to rule out any allergies.
Listen to “The History of Essential Oils” taken from Stuart’s FREE booklet “Healing Balms” ©
Healing Balms:
The base ingredients of all of the balms are the same. They are infused with Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Whole Cloves and Juniper berries. This particular blend has a remarkable beneficial effect on the system!
Each balm is then solidified using beeswax, olive oil and vitamin E.
Added to this base is then the specific essential oil and Bach Flower Tinctures to create each individual blend.
Above you can listen to the audio version of the history of how all essential oils were developed,taken from the booklet “Healing Balms” and how our balms developed.
You can listen to the audio story of the balms and why these pictures of the jars are so significant
Bringing clarity to the mind
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Base ingredients; May Chang, Tinctures of the flowers of Centaury, Pine, Honeysuckle, Larch, Buttercup, Limulus, Tansy, Walnut, Cerato and Elm in equal amounts. This balm will open your path if you are in a stage in life, for whatever reason, where you feel stuck or entrapped with no way out, then this is the balm for you.
As you apply the balm, affirm to yourself, “My path opens up and I step forward confidently in the direction that I need to go”.
You will find that as you apply the balm on a daily basis that the right things will enter your life in the form of coincidences. Bringing clarity to the mind, May Chang has the most wonderful way of opening up one’s mind so that you can clarify the way forward in life. It carries with it a prayer – and as you apply the balm, it allows you to see before you a clearer path. It guides and opens the mind in the most beautiful way, allowing grace in her many forms to reveal itself in your life.
This balm helps to steady and anchor the nervous system to hope on a very spiritual level allowing you to pass through any impasse in your life. This balm will lift your mood and spirit along with giving clarity and guidance as it has the ability to open the mind to hear the voice of intuition.
Imagine a hand that reaches out towards you and then opens up and a voice that says; “Allow me to guide you through, take this gift”.
This wonderful balm has the ability to bring clarity to the mind – as if opening a door in which you can pass through towards your goals with confidence and with a lightness of the spirit.
Antidepressant, gives pain relief from tension headaches, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, carminative, hypertensive, insecticide, stimulant and tonic. A little goes a long way…. simply rub into temples, your wrists or the soles of your feet.
Begin to see your life as a story, and like the best stories there will be many different chapters and many different experiences, each will pass in time.
The 2nd Balm – The EH FORMULA
“The E H formula” Sweet Victory When in doubt, melancholic, apply this balm
The EH Formula: The base ingredients of this balm are Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Whole Cloves and Juniper Berries. In this balm I have also added essential oil of Sweet Orange and the Bach Flower tinctures of the flowers of Centaury, Pine, Honeysuckle, Larch, Buttercup, Limulus, Tansy, Walnut, Cerato and Elm in equal amounts to give it the qualities that make this balm unique.
This balm was named after a great friend of mine. E.H are his initials, a man who gave me confidence in myself when I doubted that all would work out. The qualities of this man are strength, courage, tenacity and faith, yet gentle and kind. This balm, in so many ways, reflect those attributes which are infused in this balm. If you feel low, a lack of self worth or lack of confidence this balm is for you.
If you need courage to do something in life, then this is the balm to apply daily along with the affirmations suggested in the booklet. Most people have probably heard the phrase ”When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” But that doesn’t necessarily mean the teacher is always a person and most likely the teacher will be an ‘experience’ in life.
So hold on to this fact and understand if you are going through a tough time that you will come through and on reflection you will understand the ‘why it happened.’ Until then, take courage from this balm and apply daily. As with all of these balms, coincidences will occur in such a way that is personal to you and with that will come great comfort that you do not travel this path alone.
Affirm, ” My courage and strength rise up to meet the challenges I face and I step forward with courage and conviction that everything will work out perfectly in time” “Victory is mine”.
The third balm : Refreshingly Simple:
Lime and life (Cleansing, refreshing, stimulating)
Base Ingredients; Lime, Hornbeam, Olive, Ramsons, Clematis, Wild Rose, Oak, Elm, Tansy, Mullein and Gentian in equal amounts. Apply this balm when you are in need of revitalisation.
Cleansing, refreshing and stimulating. This wonderful balm has the ability to remind you of a time in your life when life was refreshingly simple. As you apply this balm, a light, joy and a sense of fun come forth.
Imagine someone walks into the room whose spirit is so light and fun loving that it becomes infectious and quite instantly your mood is lifted just by their presence. As you apply this balm, its uplifting and very refreshing qualities open up the senses and raise the spirit, reminding you that life is wonderful.
It reminds us to celebrate life, it activates a ‘feel good’ chemical in the brain and releases memories of times gone by that remind you of a similar feeling in your past.
This is a balm that you will feel is infectious and its qualities fill your system with lightness and a mood that can only be described as ‘Refreshingly Simple’.
Affirm as you apply this balm, “I open my life to receive all that is good, I let go of all anxiety and I lift my spirit high, all is well in my life. From this day forth I look forward to a better future, one that brings me richness of spirit and of wealth”.
The forth balm: The Releaser:
“Learn to forgive again and again and again”
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The base ingredients of all of the balms are the same. They are and infused with Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Whole cloves, Juniper Berries in ‘The Releaser Balm’. Holly and Agrimony are also added as I have found that when you add Rosemary to base oil such as avocado it comes alive…
The fifth balm: The listener:
Lavender has the ability to ‘listen in’ to your system. ‘The Listener Balm’ has a calming scent that makes it an excellent tonic for your nerves and helps in treating migraines, headaches, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress…
Lavender: Lavender has the ability to ‘listen in’ to your system. ‘The Listener Balm’ has a calming scent that makes it an excellent tonic for the nerves.
- – migraines,
- – headaches,
- – depression,
- – nervous tension
- – emotional stress
Affirm, “I understand even this will pass, it always has, it always does and it always will. I nourish myself daily on every level, I ease my path by accepting the things I cannot change and changing those things I can. I forgive again and again and again. All that I cannot understand as I know time holds the key to all riddles in my life and time will bring forth better days filled with love that soothe my soul”.
It’s refreshing aroma can alleviate nervous exhaustion and restlessness and increases mental clarity.
If there are times in your life where you feel that you can’t take another step forwards because of resentment, fear, anxiety, fatigue, loneliness or depression then gently apply this wonderful balm.
She nourishes and nurtures the soul in a very caring and gentle manner. Offering time and gentleness into the equation as she begins to lay her hand upon your weary brow, bringing with her a peaceful presence which will soothe, comfort and steady the mind and heart.
The 6th Balm: Rose Balm
“After the Rain”
A tonic for the mind. When you’re feeling blue.
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A tonic for the mind when you’re feeling blue..
The base ingredients of all of the balms are the same. They are and infused with Rosemary, Lavender, delete and Cinnamon, Whole Cloves and Juniper Berries. This balm also contains essential oil of Rose Absolute and Bach Flower Remedy, Gorse, Mimulus, Olive and Aspen.
Rose – ‘After the Rain’
The base ingredients of all of the balms are the same. They are infused with Rosemary, Lavender, Cinnamon, Whole cloves and Juniper Berries. This balm also contains essential oil of Rose Absolute and Bach Flower Remedies, Gorse, Mimulus, Olive and Aspen.
You will notice that all of the balms are named after people or something personal. This ‘Rose’ balm, which is beautiful. is named after my mother, Rose, and the title is; ‘After the Rain’.
When we were children and dad was fed up of us being in the house, our mother would take us for walks around the houses in the fields. It was usually after a storm, this was the best time, as it was clear of mugginess and so the title is “After the Rain.” Also, her name carries the qualities of the balm.
‘Rose’ is known as the ‘Queen of Oils’ and has been given the gift of being able to have the freedom to roam. She will give you the emotional trait that you need at the right time. Renowned for lifting depression and anxiety. In fact she is so much more than that. ‘Rose’ has the ability to have an ‘all round’ healing quality.
‘Rose’ soothes fear, anxiety and feelings of anger, frustration, resentment and jealously. It eases grief, encouraging contentment and dissipating guilt. In fact it will match your emotional unrest in any area of your mind. Since most of these emotional states are commonplace, it seems it would be a good idea to carry this balm around with you in your pocket. It acts as the most wonderful tonic for the mind and spirit.
Imagine opening a curtain to let in the sunshine, then the window which allows in not just the light but the feeling of air and its warmth upon your skin.
Your response is immediate as this combination floods your senses with these wonderful qualities. Rose is similar in her ability to change and flood your mind with the light you need, hence Rose’s reputation for lifting depression and anxiety. In fact, her qualities go way beyond that and is a ‘healer of remarkable substance’. Rose is the mother of all oils.
Her gift of subtly adding courage where you once felt weak, her ability to ease despair where you once felt alone, her ability to evoke laughter and to see the light through any emotional pain are all imbibed within the balms.
Affirm, daily with this balm, ” All I need is within me now, although I cannot see it perhaps, I understand that everything is unfolding exactly as it should and I am not alone in the life. I am loved, I am safe and secure even in the worst of storms. I will come through this passage a wiser and stronger soul”
The balm contains Pure Rose essential oil, not blended.
The 7th Balm “Peppermint Shingle”
Helps relieve headaches and a digestive tonic
Helps relieve headaches and acts as a digestive tonic.
Base ingredients; Peppermint, Feverfew, Tinctures of the flowers of Pine, Orange Hawkweed, Walnut, Willow, Star of Bethlehem, Agrimony, Tormentil, Mimulus, Bluebells and Self Heal in equal amounts.
This balm is refreshing and will bring mental clarity to begin your day.
Affirm; “I open up my mind on this day to all goodness and all kindness. I free myself of any worries, tension and allow light into my world . Every single cell in my heart and mind open to receive goodness on every level”.
The 8th Balm : Sweet Sleep –
The real message of disease –
Non attachment and MEDITATION
Induce a gentle night’s sleep
Base ingredients; Lavender, Tinctures of the flowers of White Chestnut, Olive Chamomile, Yarrow, Aspen, Walnut, Rock Rose, Agrimony, Bluebells, Morning Glory and Vervain in equal amounts.
Sleep is restorative and releasing. This gentle balm will ease you towards comfort and soothe your spirit as you gently fall into a restful sleep.
As you rest, quietly affirm over and over again… “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you” ….. try this simple affirmation and see how you feel in the morning.
Continued Philosophy around the Healing Balms
by asking one simple question ?
The Practice of Affirmations in the form of a Prayer
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Learn to be humble :
“You are not alone”
The power of intention
When we set our intention upon a goal and we use affirmations in the form of prayer that is also a rite of passage. It is important that you carefully direct the mind by your clear intention
Affirmations are like a dripping tap – little by little they will saturate the mind with the positive intentions you strive for. Intention will give the mind direction and affirmations in the form of a prayer become the fuel that sustains it.
The voice of your heart will always be heard and answered, not your thoughts. When you do your affirmations as a prayer, they are spoken from a deeper part of you and that part is connected to everything in this life and beyond
“You are no longer alone” – The power of intention and how to use the Healing Balms
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Stuart with Lucinda Drayton 2011 at Birmingham Holistic,, spot the orbs in this picture below