Emotional Trauma Release with Ken Cabral

Remedial Massage and Emotional Trauma Release

The London and Counties Society of Physiologists was founded in 1919 and is the oldest-established and largest organisation of private practitioners of remedial massage and manipulative therapy in the UK

“I have been in practice for 42 years as a qualified Remedial Masseur. In that time, I started to treat physical injuries where upon touch, memories were being released-sometimes related to the area I worked upon. e.g. a car accident or a fall perhaps ,or something more unsettling that the person was not aware of.

I use 2 approaches to treat emotional trauma that I have developed. The first over 35 years, the second over the last 10 years.

Firstly, if you act, behave and feel every moment of the day that what has caused it feels as if it has JUST happened-even though the incident(s) occurred a few weeks ago, years ago or from childhood, then there is a high probability that these are the symptoms of emotional trauma locked in your body as flashbacks.

A flashback consists of the TOTAL memory of an incident or recurring incidents where ALL OF YOUR SENSES have been exposed to it. Consciously, you may only remember 20% i.e. what you saw. This is why you get so far and no further. The other 80% remain hidden. Together we will find them and start your recovery process.

I will be locating these areas and releasing them by touch.

I will be working with you. However, the areas I will be working on need to be on uncovered and I will need a signed consent form  from you giving me permission to proceed.

The details on the form will also be discussed with you over the telephone.

The second approach target your emotions only this time through talking using a procedure that you will be using as a constant. I will guide you through this. It is a non-judgmental approach that aims to help you be more settled most of the time.

Emotional Trauma Release with Ken Cabral interview