Letting Go Of A Past Relationship

Play the audio below to discover how to let go of a past relationship faster with hypnosis


When a relationship ends, we tend to hold onto the memories—both the good and bad ones—for a long time. It’s human nature. However, keeping looking back at past memories does hold us back from living our best possible life.

The good news is, that hypnotherapy can help you let go of a past relationship much faster.

It helps you move on from your past memories at a very deep subconscious level. It encourages you to forgive yourself and your ex. And it also helps you change the way you see some parts of your past relationship that just won’t let go.

If you’d like some help in creating a fresh start and moving on from your past relationship, we can help!

Try one session and then your experience will let you know if it works for you

  1. Book in today and come to our centre or we can do online sessions via Zoom or Skype
  2. The cost is £65 per session which lasts approx. one hour
  3. How many sessions will you need? In the first one, we may change it completely for you, but I usually recommend 3 to 6 sessions with me. However, there is absolutely no obligation to do that as in the end, how you feel afterward, will be all you need to know

The key lies in the subconscious mind and we can help you move on from your past relationship to create a fresh start that you deserve.

Stuart Morris