Holistic Therapist – Stuart Morris

 stuart morris I have over twenty years experience as a holistic health practitioner and I am fully insured and member of The Federation Of Holistic Therapists. (FHT) I hold diplomas in AromatherapyReflexology, EFTcc, Swedish massage, Touch for HealthNLP CoachingPsych-K, also holding diplomas to give you nutritional and herbal advice. I am also one of only 60 teachers worldwide of  Pranayama Yoga as taught by Sunita Cabral
  • Tel: Stuart 0121 246 3303 Mob: 0773 445 9908

FHT_Logo_Hi_ResMine is a “holistic” approach to health using all of the professional therapeutic techniques I have trained in.
My personal approach is holistic in every sense of the word, with a whole range of therapies that are integrated to achieve the best results for each person as an individual.I am fully qualified in Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT. Fully qualified NLP wellbeing Coach ,Aromatherapist, Reflexologist ,Swedish Massage,Touch for Health Advanced Practitioner,Psych K , qualified to give herbal and nutritional advice and one of only 60 teachers worldwide of a unique form of Pranayama Yoga as taught by Yogini Sunita Cabral,

Price per session with Stuart =£45 – one hour approx

Stop smoking and live a little longer – 90 minutes =£90

contact me , Stuart 0773 445 9908

Medicine, one hundred years ago was all holistic, it seems we have forgotten about faith, love, nurture, time, patience and perseverance and in it’s place we have forced and pushed and offered a quick fix. We have forgotten that our health reflects our mind and the art of listening to the body and its message has been lost.

In our pursuit of gain we have ultimately lost more than we realize as we follow one quick fix after another.

The body is an extraordinary, amazing, self healing mechanism. It responds to gentleness, time and nurture in ways that can only be described as miraculous. Our goal is to listen to the body and to support it with the right nutrients,herbs and philosophy in a way that can only be described as an holistic Approach to health and well-being.

“When one truly is in need, help comes through a friendly human if it’s a human need and through a friendly God if it’s a spiritual need”

To book a therapy session with Stuart,click here

To discover Stuart’s motivation for the centre – click here for the article called HOPE

I genuinely believe in the therapies I practice. I believe that a holistic approach to health does not compete with conventional medicine, but stands alongside it.

Nature has put in place all that we need to tap into to restore our well-being.

Complementary therapies can be a turning point in people’s lives, as I have seen many times, gently drawing people out of a place of despair, loneliness and fear, very subtly easing them back towards health.

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Contact Stuart:holistic health practitioner : 0773 445 9908

I believe will-power, determination and tenacity can carry a person so far. However, without structure and support it really cannot sustain its momentum year in and year out. If enthusiasm was the key we would have all succeeded in our various conquests, but that deflates at the first hurdle most times and so structure is vital along with continuity



The following testimonials have been generously provided by a number of my clients.


Stuart has worked at the Munrow Centre and Human Performance Laboratory for 3 years. He has developed an execellent standard of complimentary medicine services which have aided and complimented this physiotherapy unit.

Stuart is totally trustworthy, shows total professional integrity at all times and works to the highest standards possible.

He co-ordinated his own unit and became the main driving force at the University of Birmingham for creating the complimentary medicine centre. Together with his imput and management idea’s we now have one of the most sophistcated physiotherapy units within the country.

As a practitioner, he is totally dedicated, conscientious and clinically excellent.

Overall. Stuart is a well respected and trusted clinician that I would recommend to any authority.

M.Garmston B.Sc(Hons) M.C.S.P.S.R.P

Consultant Physiotherapist to the British Olympic Team and Great Britain Athletic Teams

“I met Stuart in November 1998 when I was at a dead point in my Ph.D., suffering from fatigue, chronic headaches, hypoglycemic. Stuart’s treatments made me feel more relaxed and focused again on my work. I finally took my Ph.D. March 2002 having consistent treatment with Stuart which I acknowledged in my Ph.D. for his overwhelming support.”

Dr S Zamperini

“Dear Stuart,
I don’t think I ever truly expressed my gratitude for the help you gave me, looking back now I realise what a state I was in when I came to you and I can’t even imagine what I would have done otherwise! So I’ll take this opportunity to say thank you.”

K Channa

“I recommend Stuart Morris unreservedly for the treatment of aches and pains, stress-related headaches and anxiety.”

Professor Tom Sorahan PhD, DSc, FFOM(Hon)

“Did I find Stuart Morris or did he find me?

“I labelled myself a confident woman, running my own small, but demanding business and was quite sure I was capable of dealing with everything life threw at me. So how come I found myself emotionally and physically drained, socially withdrawn and unable to make a decision? It was at this time in my life that I delivered a card to a friend late at night, who’s birthday I had not attended due to my current state of mind. As chance would have it, she saw me leaving and ran to the door to invite me in. It was during this accidental meeting that I was given Stuart Morris’s number. This seemingly uneventful card delivery turned out to be the turning point in my life.”

“I have been visiting Stuart for well over a year now and continue to do so. I wouldn’t know where to begin in describing how he has helped me turn my life around and indeed woke me up to the fact that my life, as perfect as it seemed from the outside, needed turning around from the inside. Whilst this was not an overnight fix, his gentle, calm approach allowed me to relax and see a whole new perspective. What I love and value most in his method, is that everyone is individual and he will not prescribe you a specific treatment and leave you alone to fathom its effects, as perhaps a doctor would, but works with you over a period of time to deal with each issue as they arise. You’re under no pressure, you have nothing to prove, the journey lasts as long as you need him and I suspect in my case I will forever be on a journey with him, for he has become my friend.”

“In terms of being cured, well that’s a matter of personal judgement, how well do you wish to be! I am certainly happier, more relaxed and feel really confident (instead of that brash façade I hid behind) and rather than talk about my dreams and wonder wistfully what my life could be like if only x would or y this, I’ve taken positive steps to actualise them… and if all goes to plan, this time next year I’ll be living my dream in Africa – if that’s not testament to how this man can help you empower yourself, I don’t know what is!”

“Thank you seems such a small phrase, but I know you’ll understand how much I mean it!”


“I was introduced to reflexology about two years ago by a friend who was concerned with my hectic lifestyle and recommended that I should take time out for ‘me’. I have to say that I haven’t looked back. Stuart has taught me to take time out for myself and that hour is mine!”

“Kids, work, house, job, home life! It goes on, but to be able to switch off is important. I feel so much more positive in the way I am, and that helps enormously in the way I cope with the stresses of life.”


“I would like to thank you Stuart for all of your help over the last 18 months. What you have done has enabled me to walk again very well. Your therapy has been excellent and as you know, I do recommend you to anyone who needs treatment. Once again, I truly thank you.”

H Simmons

“Four years down the line from retirement, I became more and more aware that the “sparkle” was disappearing from my life.

I knew that after spending 40 happy and fulfilling years in the NHS that my life was going to change significantly. My efforts to engage in new activities and interests were, however, becoming blighted by the onset of arthritis affecting various joints-particularly my knees. This had resulted in loss of mobility and I was becoming quite despondent about my future health. This was highlighted when some old friends invited my husband and I to visit them in Borneo once their new home had been built It was an opportunity I would normally have grasped with both hands –but now I was having mis-givings as to whether I would be fit enough to enjoy such a holiday.

By chance, I mentioned my worries to an old friend. He immediately recommended Stuart to me as he had worked wonders with him when he was greatly incapacitated.

On first meeting with Stuart, we began by assessing my needs and objectives in life. He soon identified that my immediate need was to change my diet, I was eating many of the wrong foods consistent with a healthy life-style. With the help of videos and information sheets-he introduced me to “Udos products” .With Stuart’s support and encouragement, my new diet soon became very acceptable and logical. I was rewarded also by consistent weight loss.

I did, however, have a self inflicted set back. During a very “sociable” period with my friends- I was tempted to resort back to old eating habits.(I would finish off meals with indulgent puddings-not that I really wanted them but because everyone else was having them!!).My weight began to increase.

Talking this through with Stuart- he made me realize that I no longer craved for these foods- and he helped me back on track. Boosted by my weight loss, I was able to fulfill Stuarts second recommendation—exercise. I made it a priority to resume visits to my Leisure Centre twice a week. As my stamina increased I found I could exercise for up to 2hrs in the gym—and enjoy it!! I was beginning to realize that my health and fitness was really turning around.

Stuart has complemented my regime with regular “acupressure” on my affected joints and muscles. This has really relieved a lot of pressure and tension and greatly improved my mobility.

As an extra bonus- my husband’s lifestyle has also improved. By joining me with the new diet and accompanying me to the gym- he too is feeling much fitter!!

So thanks to Stuart—and his recommended “Udos” products –I am now more mobile, my aches and pains are much diminished, and I have a more positive take on life. My goal for having a wonderful holiday next year visiting the Rainforests of Borneo is becoming more of a reality –and one I am really looking forward to experiencing.”

Janet Haines

“I first came to Stuart almost three years ago at a very low point in my life, feeling exhausted and on the borderline of a bout of depression. My hair was falling out with alopecia and I was very unhappy and struggling to cope. Stuart took me in hand, addressing my physical and mental health, recommending me to a group of therapists where I embarked upon a course of psycho-therapy. Through his caring and attention Stuart has helped me back on the road to finding peace and happiness again, giving me much strength and self-belief to help me on my journey.

Over the last three years with the help and encouragement of both Stuart and my therapist, I have started and completed a PGCE qualification and am in my first year of teaching; I have also separated from my husband and am learning to cope on my own with my two children.

I always look forward to my sessions with Stuart as his calm and caring approach does wonders to settle my mood and his expert touch with massage, reflexology and acupressure always relaxes me. I have also gained strength and reassurance from our many chats. Stuart has a very calming and relaxing manner and nothing is too much trouble for him – he keeps me supplied with high quality vitamins and oils and is always on the look out for new alternative remedies and solutions.

Stuart is an amazing person with tremendous strength gained from his own difficult journey, which he communicates to others in a calm and loving way. I would recommend anyone to seek him out!

Sylvia Butler

I first met Stuart in 1999 and have seen him on and off since then. He has helped me through some difficult situations in my personal life, including the breakdown of my marriage.

The biggest benefit from a session with Stuart is the sense of relaxation and release of tension. He has a technique, which I think is an acupressure one, which helps to relieve emotional tension that has been stored in the body. I also have either a reflexology treatment or a mini back massage, or both. I have often planned to see him after a day which I knew in advance would be stressful. After a session with him, I would go home, have an early night and felt much better in the morning.

The most significant time of seeing Stuart was for a year or so when I was suffering from depressive symptoms and feeling life was out of control. I alternated a fortnightly relaxation treatment with a counselling session and the combination worked very well. It helped me get through what was a very dark and painful time.

Stuart has been a supportive and positive person in my life. He asks questions about what is happening in my life and although he doesn’t counsel, he can offer wise input and most importantly is encouraging. I’m sure that the physical benefits of the treatment would not have been so great if not coupled with his encouragement.

I would recommend him to anyone. Life today is very stressful for most people, so even for someone without any health concerns I think there is enormous benefit from having relaxation treatments regularly.”



“Thursday with Stuart is the highlight of my week; I know that however much pain I am in, he will soon sort me out with a mixture of acupressure and relaxation techniques. He is always there, ready to listen, and puts up with my whingeing very gracefully! I don’t even mind when he nags me about my diet as he so obviously cares about my state of health.

His faith in his therapies gives me the confidence that he can improve the quality of my life.

Thanks for everything, Stuart!


Stuart has worked with us here at Enable (www.enablebirmingham.co.uk) for the past 2-3 years, providing workshops about Nutrition for small groups of adults and young people suffering from a range of disabilities or emotional/behavioural barriers as part of the ‘Garden Pathways’ and ‘Overcoming the Winter Blues’ courses, teaching people natural techniques to help themselves overcome stress, depression and anxiety. Stuart’s sessions have been extremely successful, giving our clients lots of invaluable information and advice for improving their well-being. Stuart’s approach and ‘way’ with people, of all ages and backgrounds, is also wonderful – both nuturing and fun!”

J Clark

Support Officer & Garden Pathways co-ordinator

Enable (Birmingham) Ltd

“When I began going to Stuart I was struggling on all levels: physically, mentally and emotionally. A year later, after regular treatments of Stuart’s very unique blend of nutrition advice, aromatherapy, massage, reflexology, touch for health and many words of wisdom and comfort, I am a completely new person! Full of a vitality and a love of life I had previously always only dreamed of having. In fact, I feel so good I literally shouted it from the mountain tops: recently achieving – and ENJOYING – a sponsored trek over the Andes in Peru! Thank you Stuart for reconnecting me with my life.”


“Stuart Morris worked with our company for one week at the Spring Fair in the NEC Birmingham. Over the course of the week visitors from all over the world and exhibitors at the trade fair visited our stand in aim to refresh and de-stress. It was vital for us to give a professional image to those who visited our stand as we canvassed for business. Stuart and Phil, became part of our team and embraced what we were trying to achieve and remained professional at all times. They were excellent with potential clients and people left our stand feeling relaxed and re-energised ready for action again.”

Thank you Stuart for all of your assistance and we look forward to working with you again next year.


Louise Gallagher

Group Marketing Manager

TwoWay Vanguard


“Stuart’s holistic approach, advice and treatment has brought me back to me back to strength and well being after a serious injury and resulting illness. With regular reflexology, massage and nutritional advice my recovery has been greatly assisted. Before I started seeing him I was low both physically and emotionally, but through his ecouragement and advice I feel that I am stronger in both of these areas and will continue to build on this. I really cannot thank him enough.”

U Parmar

“The last few years have had their share of problems for me, but my regular visits to Stuart – my times out – have kept my sanity and good health, with his therapies of reflexology and massage to balance and soothe, his advice, comforting words, and always an ‘ear’ (well bent) for my troubles, all help me cope with the difficult times. Thank you, Stuart.”


“When I met Stuart, my physical and mental health were at their lowest ebb, having recently lost my husband and several members of my family.

Just ten months on, I can’t believe how different I feel. I have my confidence back, loads more energy and feel years younger.

I can’t praise Stuart enough for what he has done for me. I thank God that our paths crossed.”

A Orme

“Tuesday morning sessions with Stuart’s healing touch is something to look forward to. The relief from aches and pains caused through spondylitis and the feeling of comfort I gain until the following week is immense.”

A Thank You from me

Thank you for the testimonials listed above. I would like to add my testimonial to each of you, from the heart I thank you, for each of you has added to my life in some way.

Therapy is a two way process. Each person I have ever treated has reflected something of myself back to me, each one has given me more than they realise, each one has enriched my life in some way. What an opportunity I have been given to take a closer look at human nature and for that I feel truly blessed.

Each person listed above and hundreds more have taught me that healing comes in so many ways but the most powerful comes from the heart.

You have allowed me to gently administer my prescription to each of you in some small way and those that know me know that my prayer for each one is that you remain forever wonderfullywell.

Stuart Morris


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