
  • Do you want to feel less stressed or anxious?

  • Do you want to be confident, happy and in control?

  • Do you want freedom from negative thinking, self sabotage or self doubt?

I have always been interested health and wellbeiing and have a bachelors degree in Medical Science. Following graduation I undertook further training achieving a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy; I am fully insured and registered with the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH).

I use a combination of hypnotherapy and EMDR to help people suffering from stress and anxiety and those who have experienced traumatic events to regain control of their lives and to focus on a positive future.

  • Public Speaking
  • Hypnosis to Quit Smoking
    Eating Disorders and Weight Management
    Hypnotherapy for Children
    Pain Management
    Nail Biting
    Fear of flying and other Phobias – e.g Spiders/Heights
    Sleep Hypnosis/Insomnia
  • Panic Attacks
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Anger Management


Tam on: 07986571401