6 Steps to transformation: with Stuart Morris
6 weekly sessions will change your outlook for the next 6 years ,here are some of the subjects we cover together:
Step One- Identify Stress:
- What is stress?
- The effects of Stress
- The real message of disease
Step 2 – Calm the mind:
- Introduction into heart coherence –invite calm- improve focus –transform stress
- The science and evidence – Our Brains and Nervous Systems
- Introduction into a Relaxing Rhythm
- Bringing the connection of heart, mind and breath together into coherence. You will learn how the heart tells the mind, everything is ok and how to change the baseline of a client from ‘fight or flight’ to relaxation and equilibrium.
- Cardio Calm – develop relaxation through our unique cardio calm method
- I will teach you a unique sequence of breathing exercises that soothe the mind
- Detachment –follow your breath
- Finding inner balance
- Cultivate positive emotions –
- Reveal inner wisdom –
Section 3 – Setting your intention
- What is it that you really want?
- What’s the address we need to get to?
- Proven benefits of visualization
- Gaining insight and discovering the goal
- Manifest for the future
- At your best, magic wand
- Affirmations give the mind direction
Section 4 – Remove the blocks
- Removing the blocks
Section 5 – Support the body: including bodywork
- Water – essential Fats and herbs
- The digestive system – “If you’re feeling low, give it a go”
- Herbs to help with relaxation
- Bodywork- nature has it right…. just listen
Section 6 – An introduction into a healing philosophy, discovering you are not alone
- Discover why ‘Hope’ is the most powerful catalyst for change and how to hold onto it throughout life
- A pinch of salt – how to develop trust
- Forgiveness sets you free, how ?
- Looking for coincidences and why they are so important
- Into Practice
- Deep relaxation
- Into stillness, discovering the voice of intuition
- Let us live what we believe -Authenticity – Applying what you have learned
Stuart Morris IIHHT Dip EFTcc NLP Dip
Tel: 07734459908