EFT Practitioner Diploma –
10.30am – 5pm
£195 – Please call me
Call Stuart Morris to enroll 07734459908
Become a EFT therapist and change your client’s future for the better
The power is in your own hands
Professional therapists are required to comply with all relevant legislation affecting their businesses and must always act professionally towards clients and fellow practitioners.
On this EFT course we provide you professional standards award online qualification prior to attending this course
You must complete prior to attending this course in person at our Centre
The online professional standards award included for free is worth £65 (We will sign you up and give you the log in details)
Total cost for the one day EFT course is £195
Professional therapists are responsible for the health and safety of their clients and themselves.
Module List that are covered in the Professional standards qualification
- Health and Safety
- Essential Legislation
- Hygiene and Sanitation
- Preventing Infection Personal Appearance & Professionalism
- Consultation Insurance and Membership Professional Membership & Ethics
Our EFT is fully accredited by the leading complimentary organization in the UK
What you will learn on the EFT course in the centre -10.30am – 6pm
The first part of the morning will be mainly theory
- Chapter 1: A History of EFT
- Chapter 2: We hold our ancestral power in our own hands.
- Chapter 3: From Acupuncture to Tapping
- Chapter 4: How does EFT work?
- Chapter 5: Is it effective?
- Chapter 6: Celebrities who use EFT
- Chapter 7: Why do you need EFT?
- Chapter 8: 5 Benefits of EFT Tapping
- Chapter 9: Lets continue to discover more benefits of EFT and develop more protocols.
- Consultations forms + stress bucket
- In the afternoon -we begin to go through many variations of EFT practical
Feedback from previous students on our EFT course
“Outstanding resources and delivery,plenty of practical that will help me feel empowered to persue my goals”
“Very Enlightning,helped me to remove blockges and uncover deep emotions I was unaware of”
“I discovered new feelings and now I have the right to help myself, i highly recommend to anyone this course”
“Im suprised at how quickly results were experienced, this is a course that helps you stand in your own power and then positively move in your desired direction”
- You will each be given a bound copy of “Tapping away anxiety” by Stuart Morris
- Tapping Away Anxiety: EFT Techniques for Stress Relief which contains protocols including those listed below, some of which we will practice during this Diploma course
- EFT Techniques for Anxiety Relief
- Tapping for Social Anxiety
- Tapping for Panic Attacks
- Tapping for phobias
- Tapping for PTSD
- Tapping for OCD: EFT Techniques for Stress Relief
- Tapping for work-related stress
- Tapping for financial stress
- Tapping for Relationship Stress
- Tapping for exam stress
- Tapping for family stress
- Tapping for Grief and Loss
- Advanced EFT Techniques
- Using EFT with affirmations
- Using EFT with visualization
- Using EFT with reframing
- Using EFT with the inner child
- Combining EFT with mindfulness
- Combining EFT with meditation
- EFT for Self-Care and Daily Practice
- Using EFT for self-love and self-acceptance
- Using EFT for self-confidence and self-esteem
- Using EFT for motivation and goal setting
- Chapter 10: Group Tapping
- Chapter 11: Applications of Tapping
- Chapter 12: Emotional Technology
- Chapter 13: Strengths and Weaknesses of EFT
- Chapter 14: Codependency and how to use EFT
- Chapter 15: Recovering
- Chapter 16: Being aware of self
- Chapter 17: Recovery by tapping.
- Chapter 18: References
A short written test will be given out at the end of the day and each student will be marked and accessed throughout the day
- Handouts include.
- Consultation forms
- Stress Bucket
- EFT basic routine
- 4 variations of EFT
- Each student will receive a Certificate of completion.
- The course is accredited by The CMA and the Guild of Holistic therapist and is fully insurable
We will teach you various methods in which you can deliver EFT effectively to reduce anxiety within minutes
Stress can suppress the immune system as your immune system is less able to cope when stressed and you are more likely to be ill
Psychological and emotional pain is not unknown in the tough lives that we live today. Someday or the other we keep hearing things that impact us on an emotional level. Now, we all know that psychology has given us a lot of information and knowledge about human sentiments and personality, but the Emotional Freedom Technique has a different approach. It’s a technique of emotional healing based on a revolutionary discovery that violates most conventional psychological convictions. It claims that it is a disorder of the body’s energy system that causes all negative emotions.
- All materials provided including a 94-page manual + a bound copy of “tapping away stress” ,by Stuart Morris
- Some of this course will be online and then the practical part of the day in the clinic
- 1-day practical
- £195
- Contact Stuart Morris EFT cc – 07734459908
- Course tutors Stuart Morris
- Full Diploma course allowing you to use EFT as a stand-alone therapy or alongside your existing therapies
Emotional Freedom Technique is a safe, effective, and cost-free way to help emotional health optimize it. The same meridians of energy used in acupuncture are used. It’s called ‘tapping,’ too. You can use this technique to tune in, overcome anxiety, and/or achieve your objective. It also can help to overcome poor habits or addiction, deal with unresolved pain or trauma, and confront stuffed negative emotions. In minutes it is self-managed and easy to learn. An EFT sequence may be performed in about one minute with some practice. Also, no props, devices, or equipment are required by the EFT.
The WHO officially declared stress to be the health global epidemic of the 21st-century.
Stress has to do with anxiety, gain in weight, sleep difficulties, severe pain, loss of motivation, abdominal problems, and feeling depression.
The process of Tapping points has demonstrated stress reduction, lower cortisol, better sleep, lower anxiety, reduce pain, increase productivity, and more!
Insurance for this course, we recommend