Play the audio below to discover how our unique sessions can help ease your pain:
Whether it’s emotional or physical pain, hypnotherapy can help you release the pain with ease. No, it’s not about convincing yourself that you don’t feel pain—that you’re doing just fine. Instead, it’s about managing controlling the pain and redirecting your attention from the sensation of pain.
In a pain release hypnotherapy session, your therapist will start by helping you to relax and calm yourself down. This prepares you for the indirect suggestion of how to react to pain in the future.
The suggestion might sound something like this: “You will continue to feel the sensation of pain, but you’ll be much less distressed about it… you’d be much calmer… much more at ease, and not worried about it.”
At the end of each session, you’ll leave feeling extremely refreshed and much better than before.
This is a very unique session specifically designed to eliminate pain.
If you would like some help relieving your pain, here’s how we can help you:
I will be using some hypnotherapy, perhaps acupressure techniques ,EFT, and many other techniques to ease your pain
I’m also qualified to give you some herbal and nutritional advice to reduce inflammation
Try one session and then your experience will let you know if it works for you:
- Book in today and come in to the Centre or we can do online via Zoom or Skype.
- Cost is £65 per session which last approx. one hour.
- How many sessions will you need? In the first one, we may change it completely for you, but I usually recommend 3 to 6 sessions with me. However, there is absolutely no obligation to do that as in the end, how you feel afterwards, will be all you need to know.
The key lies in the subconscious mind and we can help you ease your pain.
Stuart Morris