Overcome Anxiety

Play the audio below to discover why hypnosis is an excellent method to overcome anxiety:

While it’s considered a natural response to stress, anxiety can get in the way of life. It stops you from truly living your life. It can affect your relationship. Or, even worse, it can lead you to find a negative solution to drive away your fears and worrisome thoughts, like smoking and drinking alcohol.

If you often find yourself dealing with irrational fears and worrisome thoughts, or if your anxiety lasts for a long time, you can’t just ignore it.

Hypnotherapy can help you overcome anxiety. It works by helping you identify what triggers your anxiety. Then, your hypnotherapist will send suggestions or calming to your subconscious mind to help relax and calm yourself down when you’re feeling anxious.

If you would like some help overcoming your anxiety, we can help!

Some of the techniques we introduce to will eliminate your stress and anxiety forever.

Here at Birmingham Holistic Centre, we combine hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP and numerous techniques to get rid of long-term beliefs and subconscious memories that trigger stress and anxiety. Thus, you’d be able to tackle any fear or anxiety.

This is a very unique session specifically designed to eliminate anxiety and panic attacks.

Try one session and then your experience will let you know if it works for you

  1. Book in today and come in to the Centre or we can do online via zoom or skype
  2. Cost is £65 per session which last approx. one hour
  3. How many sessions will you need? In the first one, we may change it completely for you, but I usually recommend 3 to 6 sessions with me. However, there is absolutely no obligation to do that as in the end, how you feel afterwards, will be all you need to know

The key lies in the subconscious mind and we can help you reduce the anxiety forever.

Stuart Morris